Shahr Ara Teaching Hospital

Gynecology department of KUMS founded from the first day of Kabul University Curative faculty accomplished. Besides, teaching courses and training internees this department have providing health service to clients. This hospital was for long time working under the control of health institutes of Ali Abad in the center of diagnosis located. After 1357,Sour 7 revolution, this hospital doctoters help students and internees under  the control of Institute of Medical Sciences as well they KUMS’S lecturers teach in all Gynecology hospitals such as Rabia-e-Balkhi hospital, Malalai Maternity Hospital. After shifting of Ali Abad teaching Cadre hospital from Shahar-e-Araa hospital to its main building, the Gynecology department started service Shahar-e-Araa hospital as a clinic. At the beginning, this Gynecology clinic did not have appropriate pace and beds to provide servicing for patients.  In 1392 solar, the former chancellor of KUMS Prof. Dr. Shirin Aqa Zarif struggled to equip and reconstruct the Gynecology teaching clinic of Shahar-e-Araa hospital with finical support of ISIF. Finally in 1392, Hoet, the officially the hospital started services for people. It is worth to mention, this clinic include 40 beds and it is the first Gynecology Teaching clinic that serves under the control of KUMS. In 1393, this clinic officially started its work and services.

Gynecology Clinic of Shahar-e-Araa hospital includes 40 beds and it provided service in maternity, imaging and laboratory. Totally, sixty two professional and unprofessional medical health workers served in this clinic. It includes nine specialist doctors, ten trainee doctors, fifteen nurses and midwifes, three anesthetists, two pharmacists, three Lab technicians, four administrative workers and sixteen supporting staffs.  This clinic provides service to maternity and gynecology patients also the fourth and fifth year’s student of curative faculty, nursing and midwifery students, internees study. In addition, specialization program practically continuous in this clinic. The head of Gynecology clinic is Assistant professor, Dr. Deba Shakaib, member of Gynecology department of KUMS. After suggestion of KUMS to Ministry of Higher Education, in 1398, she was assigned as head of this clinic. She studied up to mater level her contant information is:

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