Quality Assurance
Functions of IQAU
- Facilitate the mission and objectives of the university for enhancing the quality and relevance of teaching and learning and respond to global trends on quality education;
- Guide and assist the program offering entities i.e. departments, faculties and institutes of the university to define program objectives;
- Develop standards and benchmarks for various academic and administrative activities of the university;
- Organize workshops, seminars and appropriate training for capacity building and promoting QA culture at all levels of the university;
- Facilitating the creation of outcome-based education and a student-centered learning throughout the university using technology for a participatory teaching and learning process;
- Review existing procedures for further improvement of delivery of teaching and learning;
- Provide support to the study program offering academic units to conduct the self-assessment, external peer review and implement QA process at program level;
- Facilitate the approval of new program offering entity and new programs for existing entities using appropriate QA procedures;
- Develop a data base containing information regarding quality assurance, which will be available to all stakeholders;
- Develop an Institutional QA Strategic Plan for every 5 years and ensure its implementation and monitoring of achievements. The Plan will be discussed and approved by the QAC of the university and submitted to QAAD;
- Prepare and produce an annual Institutional Quality Assurance Monitoring Report (IQAMR) which will be discussed and approved by the university’s QAC and subsequently submitted to the QAAD;
- Deliver input on quality enhancement of teaching and learning to the Strategic Institutional Development Plan of the university;
- Advise university management, faculty and departments on QA and related matters; and
- Prepare the detailed budget of the IQAU.
1.1 Mission
The institution has a formally approved and appropriate Mission statement
The institution has a clear mission statement that has been approved by MoHE and is available to the public.
In addition, each Faculty and Department has its own mission statement that has been approved by the appropriate Senate or Council and is available to the public.
1.2 Strategic Planning
The institution carries out a five-year strategic planning cycle
The institution engages staff, students and key stakeholders in the development of a 5-year Institutional Strategic Plan that is approved by MoHE.
In addition, each Faculty and Department has its own objectives that have been approved by the appropriate Senate or Council.
1.3 Implementation Planning
The institution develops an Annual Implementation Plan that details how the milestones within the strategic plan will be delivered
The institution engages staff in the development of its Annual Institutional Implementation Plan
In addition, each Faculty and Department has its own Annual Implementation Plan that has been approved by the Chancellor or Dean as appropriate.
1.4: Organisational Effectiveness
The institution is continuously improving the effectiveness and efficiency of its operation
The institution engages staff in an annual review against the Annual Institutional Implementation Plan. This identifies areas for improvement that are reflected in the following year's Implementation Plan.
In addition, each Faculty and Department has its own annual review process that identifies areas for improvement that are reflected in the following year's Faculty / Department Annual Implementation Plan.
1.5: Public Information
The institution makes publicly available information regarding its mission, strategy, policies and governance
The institution makes all the information regarding its mission, strategic goals, policies and governance available to the public in as many formats as possible.
In addition, the institution makes all the information regarding its mission, strategic goals, policies and governance available on its website and other media to ensure that it is accessible to all relevant stake-holders.
2.1: Mission and Strategic Planning
The institution embraces its role as an agent of social, economic and cultural development
The institution's mission statement and institutional strategic plan include goals that benefit society and contribute to local, regional and national development.
In addition, the mission statement and strategic plan of each Faculty includes goals that benefit society and contribute to local, regional and national development.
2.2 Academic activity
Research and teaching programmes reflect the mission of the institution as an agent of social, economic and cultural development
Research and academic programmes clearly indicate and publicise the intended benefits to society and local, regional.
In addition, the institution ensures the annual review at Faculty level assesses the extent and impact of the contribution to society and local, regional, national
2.3 Staff Engagement and Contribution
All academic staff, and administrative staff where appropriate, are engaged in activity that makes a contribution to society and local, regional, national development
The majority of faculty, and administrative staff where appropriate, have individual objectives linked to contributing to society and local, regional, national development.
In addition, the contribution of faculty, and administrative staff where appropriate, to society and local, regional, national development is included in the Performance Review process.
2.4: Student Engagement
The student body is aware of the institutional commitment to society and development and is encouraged to engage directly where possible
All students are made aware of the institution's mission, strategies and actions in relation to society and local, regional.
In addition, the institution seeks to engage students directly in contributing to society and local, regional, national development through the curriculum or extra-curricular activity.
Criteria 3: Governance, Leadership and Administration
3.1 Governance
The institution has established appropriate and effective governance structures to oversee the delivery of its mission and Institutional Strategic Plan
The institution has established an effective Committee structure and has developed clear Terms of Reference for each Committee.
In addition, the institution regularly reviews the performance of each Committee to ensure that there is appropriate and effective governance across all aspects of its operation.
3.2 Leadership
The institution is led by a full time and effective senior leadership and management team
The Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Deans, Associate Deans and Heads of Department are full time appointments and are capable of delivering the leadership requirements of their role.
In addition, the performance of the Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Deans, Associate Deans and Heads of Department as leaders and managers is reviewed within the Performance Review process
3.3 Administration
The administration of the institution is focused on supporting the delivery of the mission and strategic priorities of the institution
The administration of the institution is focused on supporting the delivery of the mission and strategic priorities of the institution.
In addition, the organization of the administrative departments is reviewed regularly to ensure it is fit for purpose.
3.4: Ethics
The institution strives to act in an ethical way, preventing corruption, nepotism and favouritism and ensuring that there is transparency, gender equity and fairness in all aspects of its operation
The institution has formal processes that ensure that all staff and students understand ethical behaviour and the consequences of misconduct.
In addition, the institution has an effective mechanism to monitor the ethical behavior and the integrity of all staff and students.
Criteria 4: Financial Resources and Management
4.1: Financial Planning
The institution ensures that its financial plans are consistent with and focused on the delivery of its strategic goals
The institution has a 5-year financial plan that is clearly aligned to the strategic goals expressed within its Institutional Strategic Plan.
In addition, the VC Administration involves the other VCs and Deans in the development of the Institution's 5-year financial plan.
4.2 Financial Management
The institution ensures that annual budgets are managed efficiently
The VC Administration has clear accountability for annual budget management and reports on a quarterly basis to the Academic Senate.
In addition, the VC for Administration develops the annual budget in consultation with Deans, Heads of Department and other key stakeholders.
4.3: Financial Systems
The institution has established effective financial management and accounting systems
The institution is effectively using an appropriate financial management software system to manage its accounts.
In addition, the institution is able to generate and uses financial management information and reports in the strategic planning process.
4.4 Audit
The institution's income and expenditure are audited on an annual basis
The required regional and national audit reports exist for the previous three years.
In addition, the institution uses its audit reports to make improvements in financial systems and the financial management process.
4.5: Income Generation
The institution is developing its capacity to generate income through enterprise activity and services
The institution has identified areas of activity that have the potential to generate income.
The institution has an enterprise development plan that is part of its Institutional Strategic Plan and is taking the steps necessary to build capacity to deliver this strategy.
Criteria 5: Academic Provision
5.1 Alignment to mission
All academic programmes are aligned to and consistent with the mission of the institution
All programme specifications explicitly describe how they contribute to the mission of the institution.
The institution has a mechanism to monitor how programs contribute to the mission of the institution.
5.2 Clarity of Requirements
All academic programmes clearly define the requirements for graduation and the development of graduate skills
All programme specifications clearly define the credit structure and the levels of attainment required for graduation.
In addition, all program specifications show clearly how knowledge and skills are developed at each stage of the program and the skills that will have been developed by graduation.
5.3 Annual Programme Monitoring
All academic programmes are monitored annually using a formal (MoHE) Programme Approval and Review process
All programmes are monitored annually (using the approved MoHE checklist) – including the use of student data and student feedback, to measure programme performance.
In addition, the Program Annual Improvement Plan enhances the delivery of the program and the student experience and Program Teams can provide evidence that action plans have been developed and these have led to improvements at program level.
5.4 Programme Review
The portfolio of programmes and all programme curricula are reviewed every 5 years using a formal (MoHE) Programme Approval and Review process
The institution is implementing the (MoHE) Periodic Review of Programmes process to ensure that the curriculum of all academic programme are reviewed every 5 years to reflect external changes and to ensure they conform to relevant disciplinary, professional and international standards.
In addition, the institution is taking strategic decisions about its portfolio of academic programs based on the findings of its Periodic Review of Programs
5.5: Pedagogy
The methodologies used to teach all academic programmes and enhance student learning are regularly updated
All programme teams strive continuously to identify and develop potential improvements to their pedagogy including the use of appropriate technology in the classroom.
In addition, the majority of program teams adopt the principles of student-centered learning and apply these in their pedagogy.
5.6 Assessment
The methodologies used to assess student attainment are fair, transparent and regularly updated
All programme specifications make clear how each module will be assessed, using approaches that require students to demonstrate an appropriate range of skills and understanding.
In addition, all program teams can evidence their ability to provide students with timely and constructive feedback.
5.7: E-Learning
The institution has developed its capacity to implement e-learning provision
The institution has a strategy for the development of e-learning provision within its Institutional Strategic Plan and has taken steps to implement this.
In addition, the institution is actively developing / delivering e-learning provision and has mechanisms in place to support students studying on e-learning programs
5.8: Collaborative Partnerships
The institution is developing its capacity to partner with institutions in Afghanistan and overseas
The institution is effectively managing collaborative partnerships with other HE institutions within Afghanistan and / or internationally that will help it to deliver its strategic goals.
In addition, the institution has a development plan for international collaborative partnerships within its Institutional Strategic Plan and has taken steps to implement this.
Criteria 6: Research
6.1 Strategies and Planning
The development of research activity is included within the Institutional Strategic Plan
The institution has a development plan to support and enhance the research carried out by faculty members.
In addition, the institution has objectives relating to research and is actively involved in several high impact research projects based on MoHE Research Committee guidelines.
6.2 Culture and Expectations
The institution ensures that all faculty understand the requirements of the bye law regarding research activity
Research activity and/or the development of research skills are included in the Individual Action Plans of faculty where appropriate.
In addition, research activity and/or the development of research skills of faculty is reviewed where appropriate in the Performance Review process.
6.3 Research Supervision
The institution is developing the capacity to supervise students undertaking research activity.
The institution has a development plan to enable staff to develop the skills to supervise student research activity.
In addition, the institution has formal mechanisms to support students undertaking research
6.4 Support
The institution is developing the capacity to support research activity
Each Faculty has established a Research Committee that is responsible for Faculty level planning and support.
In addition, the institution has established and staffed a Research Office and appointed a Head of Research who coordinates on research activity, the submission of grants and the management of intellectual property.
6.5 Training
The institution is developing the research skills and capabilities of its faculty
The institution is using institutional and national training programmes to develop key faculty as research leaders within the institution.
In addition, the institution is implementing its own training and development program to develop research skills in the majority of faculty.
Criteria 7: Faculty Members and Staff
7.1 Academic Capacity
The institution employs the number of staff with the qualifications needed to deliver its academic programmes
The institution can demonstrate that it has staffed all academic programmes with sufficient staff with the appropriate qualifications.
In addition, the institution has a staffing plan within its Implementation Plan that shows how current and future academic resourcing needs will be met.
7.2 Non-academic Capacity
The institution employs the number of staff needed with the appropriate skills to deliver its non-academic functions
The institution can demonstrate that it has staffed all non-academic departments with sufficient staff with the appropriate skills.
In addition, the institution has a staffing plan within its Implementation Plan that shows how current and future administrative resourcing needs will be met.
7.3 Staffing Policies and Processes
All policies and processes relating to the recruitment, workload allocation and promotion of all staff are merit-based and transparent
The institution has clear policies and processes relating to all aspects of their relationship to staff and these are accessible to all staff.
In addition, the institution has systems for documenting activity relating to staff that demonstrate that policies and processes have been followed.
7.4 Performance Review: faculty
The performance of all faculty is reviewed annually with a view to improving the quality of their work
The institution has established an annual Performance Review process for all faculty that uses feedback from students and identifies areas for improvement.
In addition, the institution uses lesson observation in the Performance Review process for faculty and ensures that all faculty have a development plan within their Individual Action Plan.
7.5 Performance Review: non-faculty
The performance of all non-faculty staff is reviewed annually with a view to improving the quality of their work
The institution has established an annual Performance Review process for all non-faculty staff that uses feedback and identifies areas for improvement.
In addition, the institution ensures that all non-faculty staff have a development plan within their Individual Action Plan.
7.6 Professional Development
The institution is identifying the development needs of all staff and is striving to address these
The institution has established a process for identifying training needs and has an institutional professional development plan.
In addition, the institution has appointed a Head of Professional Development who has responsibility for managing all aspects of professional development.
7.7 Academic Freedom
Academic freedom is fostered and protected in accordance with the law
The institution ensures that all staff and students are aware of the principles of academic freedom that are enshrined within the Afghan higher education constitution.
In addition, the institution has a mechanism for monitoring the extent to which academic freedom is being respected and protected according to the constitution.
7.8 Complaints, Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures
The institution effectively manages complaints, grievances and discipline
The institution has established and follows procedures that govern staff complaints, grievances and disciplinary issues according to the by-law.
In addition, the institution has a mechanism for monitoring the implementation, review and updating of these procedures.
Criteria 8: Student Experience
8.1 Student Information
The institution has systems for collecting and analysing information on students
Baseline information on admissions, retention, progression and attainment are gathered, stored and made available for evaluation and planning purposes.
In addition, the institution has established a Planning Office and appointed a Head of Planning who has responsibility for gathering, analyzing and making recommendations based on student data.
8.2 Student Feedback
The institution has processes for gathering student feedback and using it to identify areas of improvement
The institution regularly consults with students and representatives of the student body, through surveys and other methods, to better understand their needs and experience.
In addition, the institution involves student representation on appropriate Committees and planning processes and a mechanism for providing feedback to students on institutional activity.
8.3 Graduate Skills
The institution has defined the skills it is aiming to develop in its graduates to enable them to succeed in their careers
The institution has consulted with employers to define the skills graduates need in order to succeed in the workplace.
In addition, the institution actively involves employers in the development of student’s workplace skills.
8.4 Student Services and Support
The institution provides services to support the personal and academic needs of students
The institution provides students with advisory and support services that address their academic and personal needs.
In addition, the institution has established a careers service that helps students to plan and pursue their careers.
8.5 Fairness and Equity
The institution ensures that all students are treated in a fair and equitable manner, regardless of gender, social, physical or other disadvantages
The institution has established mechanisms which set out its approach towards fairness and equity and makes this available to all key stakeholders.
In addition, the institution has appointed an individual who has oversight of the issue and who prepares an annual monitoring report for Academic Senate.
8.6 Disciplinary Policy and Procedures
The institution has a Student Discipline policy that governs student behaviour which is given to all students and overseen by committee structures
The institution has a Student Discipline policy, giving details of disciplinary procedures, that is overseen by Discipline Committees at Institution and Faculty level.
In addition, the institution has consulted with students in the development of the Student Discipline policy and has included students in disciplinary procedures when appropriate.
Criteria 9: Quality Assurance and Enhancement
9.1 Organisation and Management
The Institution ensures that quality assurance and enhancement policies and processes are led and managed effectively at all levels in the organisation according to the by-law
Quality Committees at Institutional and Faculty levels provide strong leadership and management of quality assurance and enhancement processes.
In addition, the senior management of the institution is directly involved in quality assurance and enhancement activity through attendance at quality Committees and through their efforts to resolve barriers to quality enhancement.
9.2 Resources
The Institution ensures that the implementation of Quality Assurance and Enhancement policies and processes are supported adequately by staff and facilities
The institution has established a Quality Office to support the work of the quality Committees at Institutional, Faculty and Department levels.
In addition, the institution has appointed a Head of Quality to oversee the Quality Office to support the work of all quality Committees and the quality assurance policies and processes.
9.3 Processes
The institution has adopted the quality assurance and enhancement processes proposed by MoHE and is implementing these effectively
The Institutional Quality Committee can demonstrate that the quality assurance and enhancement processes are being implemented across the institution.
In addition, the Head of Quality gathers data to report on the effectiveness of implementation to quality Committees at Institutional, Faculty and Department levels.
9.4 Culture
The institution ensures that all appropriate staff are committed to the need for quality enhancement
The Institutional Quality Committee ensures that the necessary awareness-raising, training and communication takes place for all appropriate staff.
In addition, quality features in the setting of objectives for all academic and key administrative staff and in their Individual Action Plans.
Criteria 10: Library and Information Resources
10.1 Capacity
The institution provides sufficient library/information resources to support its research and academic programmes
The institution has sufficient library and information resource facilities resourced by staff with the necessary skills and expertise.
In addition, the institution has a development plan for Library and Information Resources within the Institutional Strategic Plan.
10.2 Management
The library/information resources are effectively managed in order to support the achievement of academic and administrative objectives
The institution has appointed a Head of Library/ Information Resources and put in place the appropriate governance processes and management of resources to ensure the effective use of library and information resources.
In addition, the institution has put a process in place to ensure that Faculties and the Library work together to obtain and manage library stock and other resources
10.3 Access
The institution ensures that staff and students have appropriate access to library/information resources
The library/information facilities are open and available to staff and students for a minimum of 10 hours per day 6 days per week.
In addition, the institution has a plan to develop online resources in order to increase access.
10.4 Training
Training programmes are available to staff and students to increase their ability to make effective use of library and information resources
The institution provides training opportunities for staff and students in the effective use of the library and information resources and ensures staff who need development to attend this training.
In addition, the institution ensures that Library staff receive training (in relevant curriculum areas) which allows them to make informed decisions regarding student and staff needs.
Criteria 11: Teaching, Information Technology and Recreational Facilities
11.1 Teaching Facilities
The institution provides sufficient teaching facilities to support research, theoretical and practical teaching and the needs of students
The institution provides and effectively maintains sufficient teaching facilities to meet the requirements of its academic programmes.
In addition, the institution has a development plan for its teaching facilities within the Institutional Strategic Plan.
11.2 Information Technology
The institution is striving to provide staff and students with an up-to-date and effective information technology infrastructure
The institution provides and effectively maintains the information technology infrastructure and resources required by its students, faculty and administrative staff.
In addition, the institution has appointed a Head of Information Technology with sufficient staff to oversee the maintenance, operation and development of information technology.
11.3 Dormitory and Recreational Facilities
The institution provides the appropriate level of dormitory and recreational facilities, with special provision for women
The institution provides and effectively maintains adequate dormitory and recreational facilities to meet the needs of its student body.
In addition, the institution has appointed a Head of Estates who has responsibility for the maintenance, operation and development of all physical resources and facilities.
11.4 Health and Safety
The campus environment is safe for students and staff
Safety standards are in place for all laboratories and hazardous materials and for shops and catering outlets.
All staff and students are made aware of this policy and their responsibilities within it.
In addition, emergency procedures are in place to deal with accidents and natural disasters.
11.5 Security
The campus environment is secure for students and staff
The institution has appointed a Head of security and security procedures are in place and there are sufficient staff to ensure that it is rigorously implemented. Processes are in place to regularly review and improve security procedures.
In addition, the institution has plans to ensure business continuity in the event of security and other crises.
brochure of quality assurance 30 November
brochure of quality assurance 30 November.pub 222
final action plan 2023
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