Moster Programs

Master Program of Public Health in KMU

Kabul Medical University as a center of training doctors provides opportunities for advancing skills and knowledge of doctors. Many years ago KMU provides opportunities for professional training programs for doctors in Teaching Hospitals to raise their professional skills and knowledge and provide qualified medical service for public.

In addition of curative services, preventive medicine or public Health is one of the important parts that are considered in regard to improvement of public health in society. Unfortunately as a result of lack of capacities and consideration in public Health area some of doctors submit for master program of public health in outside countries that is difficult to be provided for all other doctors who are eager to raise their knowledge in this area. As a result KMU provided master program of public Health on the bases of Ministry of Higher Education law.


·         Rasing of knowledge and skills of doctors in management of public health

·         Improve knowledge of public health employments for providing strategies of public health according to facts and policies

During this program the master degree program students will learn data collection related to health, categorizing health barriers, providing research studies, evaluating and monitoring health related programs and providing efficient programs.

Other related goals are as follow

·         Use of available capacities for education of doctors in public health area

·         Providing opportunities for postgraduate education in the country that will decrease the need of submission of master degree programs in outside countries which is cost effective.

·         Providing postgraduate education in public health for doctors that are not able to study abroad.

·         Increasing capacity building in the area of public health, so the postgraduates will be able to have important role in improving Health through health education, environmental health, Mother and child health, prevention of communicable diseases and non-communicable diseases.

This program (master program of public health) consists of different educational methods and mostly it is considered on participation of students. For improvement of skills and knowledge of participants it is considered to have the experiments of different institutions of public health.

Master program of public health is officially established in KMU in the year of 2013 (1392) by H.E Minister of Higher Education with collaboration of WHO.

Educational curriculum of this program is regularly evaluated and monitored by Master committee of KMU. This committee shows efforts for improvement of program. According to law of Ministry of Higher Education this program is educated after official time.

The candidates of master program of public health after filling application form of this program and completion of standards are become ready for entrance exam and the candidates who achieves highest marks is accepted for this program.

Lectures are presented by PowerPoint, charts and whiteboard. During lectures specialists as a guest lecturers are invited to present their lectures.

Monitoring and evaluation of students is taken place by assignments that are given by lecturers during session and final exam.

Master program of public health is not free of charge .Each semester on the bases of Ministry of Higher Education law the students pays.