Vice chancellor of Admin & Finance Affairs

Financial and Administrative Affairs vice presidency

Since the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine, the Kabul Institute of Medicine, and Kabul University of Medical Sciences, the Financial and Administrative Affairs vice presidency has been an integral part of this institution's structure, with various departments operating under its jurisdiction.

The financial and administrative affairs of this university, managed by the Financial and Administrative Affairs vice presidency, represent one of the busiest sectors within the institution. In addition to fulfilling its responsibilities—such as leading and managing human resources, financial matters, accounting, maintenance and care, procurement, and contracts in accordance with relevant regulations and procedures—it strives to achieve financial independence for the university in the future.

Major Responsibilities of the Financial and Administrative Affairs vice presidency office at Kabul University of Medical Sciences

  1. Preparation of Annual Work Plans: Develop annual work plans for various departments and specify their operational directions.
  2. Monitoring and Control: Oversee daily operations of the respective departments.
  3. Human Resource Management: Supervise matters related to recruitment, appointments, transfers, retirement, dismissals, rewards, penalties, and other personnel-related issues.
  4. Budget obtaining and monitoring: Advocate for the budget and monitor its implementation within the respective departments.
  5. Collaboration: Cooperate with faculties and offices related to student affairs, academic affairs, health institutions, and Kabul University of Medical Sciences.
  6. Capacity Building: Organize capacity-building courses for civil service personnel.
  7. Annual Budget Preparation: Formulate the annual budget and plan expenditures in accordance with the established plan.
  8. Contract monitoring: Supervise matters related to contracts, procurement, maintenance of facilities, provision of necessary equipment, and other related responsibilities.

Organizational Structure of the Financial and Administrative Affairs vice presidency

The organizational structure of the Financial and Administrative Affairs vice presidency and its associated departments is as follows:

  1. Office of Financial and Administrative Affairs – position 2
  2. Executive Management of Administrative Affairs - Position 5
  3. Department of Human Resources - Position 3
  4. Department of Procurement - Position 3
  5. Department of Finance and Accounting - Position 3
  6. Department of Services - Position 3
  7. Department of Communication and Public Awareness (Publications) - Position 3
  8. Department of Library Services - Position 3
  9. Department of Information Technology - Position 3

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